Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vacation to NJ

Family photo on the board walk of Ocean City, NJ

The NJ trip was interesting, to say the least. It had it's good points and it's bad points. But I believe that happens with any trip that you take!

We traveled late Tuesday night and arrived in Ocean City, NJ around 4am. Sam's brother Ben was up waiting for us, and helped us bring everything into the house. Once everything was in the house, I got JD back and kicked everyone out of our room so that I could get him down. I've come to learn that JD doesn't sleep in the car. So the trip was long for us all, but he was very well behaved throughout the whole thing! Even I was getting cranky after 6 hours of driving. I was amazed at how much traffic was still in NY city at 3am!!

Wednesday morning we got up and went for an early morning walk over to the farmers market with Sam's parents. We picked up some fresh fruit and some flowers. On our way back to the house, we ran into Sam's grandmom. So JD finally got to meet his Great-Grandmom. It was such a sweet moment,and you could tell she really was happy to see him. She couldn't stop gushing about how handsome and big he was. Melts my heart that I was able to get some good photos for JD to have. I hope he gets to continue to spend time with her so that he can have memories to go with them.

That afternoon we headed off to the beach, and JD loved it!! The water was a nice temperature too, so I let JD put his toes in the surf. We had a beach hut, so we were able to stay out for a bit. JD took his naps right on the beach and we enjoyed spending time with the big Fox clan. It was a bit overwhelming for both of us since there were so many that wanted to meet me (since they hadn't come up to our wedding, and then to meet the baby!) That night we went to dinner at one of Sam's dad's brothers rental house. (They do the big family dinners) After which, we headed up to the boardwalk with Sam's brothers Pat and his family, and Benny with his girl friend. We went to get ice cream and uncle Pat gave JD his first taste of vanilla ice cream. Boy did he love that. Following that, we hit the beach at sunset, so that the boys could play Frisbee with Zoe and Joe. (Pat's 2 children) That day went great, and we ended it with JD going to bed like an angel and we got to play games with the brothers.

However, Thursday everything went to the wind. Sam thought I was being crazy with some of my rules with the baby. My big one is that children can not hold him if they are standing or on the couch. While we were getting ready for breakfast, I look over and Sam's father had handed my son off to Sam's niece. I looked at Sam to fix it so it didn't make a scene. But he told me I was over-reacting!! I was livid. I couldn't believe he would flat out do that. Especially when certain things were done for his safety. We had a pretty mean blow out, so I took JD and locked ourselves into our room. It was a rainy day, so it proved to be a long one anyways. Sam just didn't get the point. I went out to speak with Zoe and explain that it wasn't her fault. It was that some things need to be followed and her Uncle Sam was not following them. Well I sadly got my point across that evening during the family dinner. That night was held at our house, and one of the cousins has a baby boy that is a month older than JD. Zoe was holding him (thankfully on the floor) and he pitched himself forward and smacked his head on the floor! The baby wasn't hurt, just stunned. But it definitely woke Sam up! Pat looked at Zoe and explained that that was why I had the rule to hold him while sitting on the floor. B/c babies wiggle a lot and are hard to keep still. Imagine if that baby had been up any height! That night Sam apologized for what he had done, and we moved past it. After the dinner, we headed off to the boardwalk again to have ice cream and play some mini-golf. So, all in all it was another great evening.

Friday was another sunny day, so we were able to head back to the beach to enjoy our last day at the shore with the family. We stayed for that evenings dinner and a last walk on the board walk. Then about 8:30 we left and headed home. JD did well again in the car, even if he didn't sleep. The traffic home was a lot worse then on the way down, but we hit NY city around midnight on a Friday night, so I was surprised.

All in all, it was a decent trip. But boy were we all glad to finally be home!!

And here are all the photos! Well some of them!

Our room - don't mind the mess, we had just got there!

Our own bathroom in our master bedroom

Meet Great-Grandmom for the first time!

Toes in the sand and water!

Hanging in the surf with Mom! <3> Playing in the sand with Uncle Ben

The beach and dunes at Sunset!

The lights of the boardwalk from the beach at sunset

JD's first try at ice cream!

And the culprit who gave it to him - his Uncle Pat!

All the grandchildren who made it to the shore. Sam's in the - 4H shirt of course!

My favorite photo of all. I snapped it at just the right time, b/c it wasn't staged. JD's great-grandmom just leaned over and kissed him!! <3>All the Great-Grandchildren! And JD liked his cousin Jack!

JD was laughing..I thought it was cute!

The 4 generations of Fox's: Great-Grandmom, Daddy, JD and Grandpa

Everyone loves JD cuddles!! <3> JD and his Great-Grandmom

JD and his cousin Joe playing on the floor of our room

Monday, July 20, 2009

We went swimming

Ok, so JD went swimming, I sat and watched! :) At first he didn't like it, but that was because Mommy was holding him. But once I let him lay down in his little pool, he was so happy. He started splish splashing. He's my little fish. But He's also my little beach bum. I'm looking forward to taking him down to the beach and let him play in the sand and see if he likes it as much as his baby pool. Probably not, b/c Mommy won't let him do his own thing there!! ;)

So cute photos!!

He's my little GQ baby. I put on his swimsuit, and he laid back with his arms behind his head!!

Mommy, I don't know if I like this. Let me gooooooo!!

Ahh.. Much better. Splish splash, giggle!!

Day 2 out in the pool!

Ahh..this is the good life!!

Mommy and JD lounging in the sun. Ok, so I was trying to copy him. Didn't even realize our legs were up together too!! :) <3

Daddy and JD splish splashing!! <3

Friday, July 17, 2009

latest crazy idea

I think I may have officially lost it!!

I have given in and told Sam if he still wanted to go to the family reunion in NJ, we could see if we could make it work! AM I NUTS!!

These things are huge! But I'm so nervous to think about this. I had many reasons to not want to go the first time. There are like 50+ people at this thing! (Sam's dad is 1 of 7) JD hasn't had all his shots, and I'm petrified he's going to catch something from these people! Also, it's held down at the Jersey shore, and JD can't use sunscreen yet!!

So why did I cave. I thought about it, and realized that Sam was not going to get a vacation this summer. And for some reason, I felt bad.

But yesterday I thought about it, and sent a nice e-mail off to his parents to see when this thing was to figure things out. I was hoping it would happen after his next pay check so that I could look at rental cars and a hotel. Nope, it's starting today and goes through next Saturday! But of course, I had already mentioned the idea to Sam, and now he's all gung-ho for this..and won't listen to me about any of it!

So, if he can get the time off. We're going to be heading down there next Tuesday night. Then heading back that Friday night or Saturday night!

The only good thing coming out of this. I get beach time, and JD gets to finally meet his Great-Grandmom!!

Oh boy, what have I done!!

home schooling

I have decided that I'm going to homeschool!! And yes, I have determined that already! :rolling I mentioned it to someone, and they were like, you're researching that ALREADY. But I wanted to check all the requirements for my state and such. :D So, yes, I've been doing tons of research on it! :)

Sam and I had talked about it while I was still pg, and we agree we think for us it's the best choice. :) Sam and I are VERY science oriented people, and schools don't focus on it anymore! :( I went to school for teaching, and got so dishearted that the science program was a 1/2 hour lesson maybe once a month! I think you can do sooo much with it. And I can see how you can teach reading, writing, math and so much more with it!! My other disheartenment comes from all the schools around here strictly teaching to tests now. B/c with the federal standards of schools not receiving funding if they fail these tests. I want JD to learn to learn, not learn just enough to pass tests. And, if he finds something that really gets his attention, I want him to be able to enjoy researching it. Not having it brushed aside. :)

Not that schools aren't ok, and I know most will do this. :) Just for me, I can't think of anything better for us. I just have to make sure we find enough social events for him. :)

But this way, when one of the animals on Sam's friends farm is having babies, we can go there as a lesson. He can go to all the different events at Audubon and the library. We know he's going to be doing 4-H with his dad, and I'm looking at starting up a Pagan Scouts troop for him. It's like boy/girl scouts, but not the christian focus that they have. :) So I know he's going to get out and meet people.

I just hope that he enjoys it. and, if he decides he wants to try public school, we'll look at it again then. :lol

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I don't know if I failed tonight and did the wrong thing or not. But I did what I thought was best. LOL. So I guess that can't be totally failing, right??

We had our first try at peas tonight. And let me tell you, it did NOT go well at all!! I think he has a texture issue, and the peas are a bit thicker. Like the cereal/oatmeal he won't eat! But I thought we'd try peas for dinner. He's been doing so well with everything, so I was NOT prepared! His first reaction was to make a funny face at me. But he does that every time we start something. Then a couple bites later, he stuck his tongue back out at me. Then for the next 3-4 bites he literally SPIT it at me!! I also could tell it wasn't his choice of food since he hid from the spoon and didn't try to grab it like he always does. Usually he opens his mouth wide for his bites, yells at me that I'm not going fast enough and grabs at the spoon.

So, I decided it was better to not fight the battle, and headed to the kitchen to get the left over banana from breakfast. (My kitchen and dining room are connected, and it's literally about 2 steps from my chair to the fridge!) I got up from my chair, watched JD put his hand in his mouth and forcefully got himself to vomit up all his peas!! A 5 minute interlude to clean up the peas, and he was eyeing the jar of bananas. So I opened it and let him have a taste (just to make sure he didn't have an upset stomach which caused the peas) and he licked the spoon clean and did his normal grabby action for the spoon. He actually did this really cute beckoning the spoon to him motion. Not that he knew he was doing it, I found it cute. So, I guess that showed he didn't have an upset tummy. Just really didn't want those peas!!

But now my fear is that I failed. Should I have not caved and gave him some bananas after his very forceful hatred of the peas. Should I have pressed the pea issue. Gaah, I don't want him to hate them, but I also don't want to force him to eat something he apparently hates. I still have nightmares of being stuck at the dining room table all night because I refused to eat my potatoes! I wasn't allowed up until I ate them, even if they got ice cold! I swore I would never do that to JD!!

And it's not like he does it for all things. I know some things say to start with only veggies, then move to fruits, and so on and so forth. But I've been mixing things up. We've had:
Green beans
Carrots (which we have learned causes hives!!!)
Sweet potatoes (which we don't like...but we tolerate...much better then the peas that is!!!)
Mommy's mashed potatoes!!
rice cereal and Oatmeal

And really, the only extreme negative reaction was to the peas!! Even the cereal and sweet potatoes he tolerates and will eat his whole meal. This was a no-go!!

So did I fail!! Gaah, I don't know! I know I'll try again and not totally remove it from his diet, but by caving and giving him something else, did I do anything.

Oh, this mommy thing can be really difficult!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

5 months

I can't believe it!! John-Douglas turned 5 months on Saturday. Where has the time gone already. It still seems so unbelievable. I truly have been blessed!! In one sense I can't believe how quickly the time has been flying, but in another, I can't believe there ever was a time he wasn't here!! And every day I think I've reached my fullest height of love for that boy, and every day I find I love him even more.

I think back and realize how much we've been through. There was a time before him, there were 6 we lost, and a time when we didn't even think we could have children. I'm still so dazed at how quickly it's all flown by. I still remember the day that I got that positive pregnancy test for him a little over a year ago!! And all the stress and worries about him throughout it all....but now he's here healthy and the sweetest, happiest baby...and a whole new host of stresses and worries develop! :)

A mommy's work is never done!!

JD's stats

Birth - 6lb 15oz and 19inch

1 week - 6lb 15 1/2 oz and 19 1/4 inch

1 month - 8lb 14 1/2 oz and 21inch

2 month - 12lb 1 1/2 oz and 23 1/4 inch

3 month - 14lb 12 1/2 oz and 25 inch

4 month - 15lb 9 1/2oz and 26 1/4 inch

We haven't done the 5 month ones, and since he won't be going to the doctor who knows what the next level will be. But I'm tempted to at least measure him...b/c he has to be close to 28inch by now!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family visit

Snell and Fox family weekend in NY
July 9-11th

So this past weekend saw us taking a trip back to upstate NY to be with family. I wish the trip was planned on happier notes, but the weekend before my Great-Aunt Shirley passed away after a long battle with kidney failure, among many other health issues. I know she's finally back with my Great-Uncle Harold and my Grandma O. Grammy and her are probably enjoying a nice long chat at the "local" bingo hall!

However, the rest of the visit was much enjoyed and much needed. It's been to long since I've had time with my mom and my niece. It also was a much needed visit to my very trusty and local Golden Retriever, who is very sick and may not be making it through the summer. We spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning with Grandma Snell. JD loved it. He spent the whole time giggling and laughing, and had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa. He really loved to laugh at Grandpa, and I think it's just because he knows that's what he'll look like one day. :) Thursday morning was the funeral, and then Grandma had to go to work for the rest of the day. How else are we going to get all that great Beech-Nut food she brings him home! That night we took a trip to the store for a new toy for JD, but they didn't have the one we needed! So Friday after work, we headed off to Albany to find the much needed Jumperoo replacement!

Grandma Snell, Mommy and JD

Grandma Snell, JD and Cinnamon

A very happy JD sitting on Grandma's lap

Grandma and Grandpa Snell - Feeding JD his bananas!

The Park

On Friday afternoon we decided a trip out was needed to relax and ground us. So we took a trip to the very small Tribes Hill Park to let JD have a try on the swings, and Mommy and Daddy decided to get a little goofy. It was a blast, and relaxing! It was a bit sunny when not under the trees, but being under the trees brought out the mosquitos, so sadly our trip was shorter then we would have liked. After JD and I went for a nice walk through my very quiet neighborhood. It was a very peaceful afternoon, and definitely made me miss being home!!

Even Mommy's can be kid's at heart!! So much fun!

But only b/c Daddy ran to this while I was walking down from the car! I love my big kid!!

Aww..look, time went backwards... This is what Daddy looked like 30 years ago! JD trying out the pony too! Notice how he held on like a good boy! :)

JD trying out the baby swing!!

At first he wasn't sure if he really liked it, but after a cafeful examination of it, we got a big grin!!

Mommy and JD on the big kid swing

Daddy and JD on the big boy swing


Another very exciting part of the trip was spending time with my adorable niece, Kimberlee! She really is my sunshine!! She loves her baby cousin, and I can already see he's going to adore her too! She was such a great helper! From helping feed, to picking out his clothes, and even "babysitting" while JD rode with Grandma and Grandpa to breakfast while I drove in a separate car!

Kimberlee entertaining JD when she first got there!

Kimberlee feeding JD

Kimberlee, JD and I on Grandma's couch

So absolutely precious!! My sunshine and my handsome Prince!!

My precious Sunshine and I! <3

Sunshine Love! <3

Cinnamon and I

Kimberlee, JD, Cinnamon and I

The Fox's

After a much too short visit with Grandma and Grandpa Snell, we headed off to Sam's parents for a few hours before heading back home to MA. Sam's niece and nephew (Zoe and Joe) were up from VA, and they got to meet JD for the first time. We spent the afternoon hanging around. Sam played a few different games with his niece and nephew, and then we all played a game of 'Who Knew.' After dinner we headed home.

Grandma and Grandpa Fox, Daddy and JD

Home Again

Our trip home was thanfully uneventful. We thought we were the only ones happy to be home. But JD had a much more relaxed atmosphere about him once he realized we were home. He was good on our entire trip, but I could tell he missed being home. He had a rough time sleeping, and by the ends of each of our 4 hour drives, he definitely was ready to be out of his seat. Unlike other babies who sleep in the car, he stays awake and gets grumpy!

Home was good to see though. We walked through the door, and all 7 of our babies were waiting for us. Giving us much love for the remainder of the night, just to remind us that they love us and not to go away again. I also made sure I put together JD's new toy as soon as we got home! JD wasn't tired, so we tried it out. My son is so big, I can't believe it! Then we finally went to bed, where Ezra joined us like he usually does! And I am sure my son missed his kitty!

JD trying out his new Precious Planet Jumperoo! I think he likes it!! =-D

Goodnight! <3>

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New things learned

Apparently Sam missed me while he was away at his conference. He came home with these beautiful roses! The photos I've been trying to take of them do not do them justice. I've had them going on a week, and they are still looking beautiful. Too bad I'm not able to enjoy them as much as I'd like, b/c the second I take them off the fridge and put them on a lower table, Snickers attacks them! I should let her find the thorns! ;)

Also, JD learned something new today! And if I had any doubt to whether or not he was ready for solids. This completely quenched that!

Yup! He has learned that he can use the spoon himself! He actually had it all the way in, but by the time I got the camera he had it to this point! He was fighting me for the spoon while I was feeding him. I thoguht he wanted to play with it, but he put it right in his mouth like I had been doing! *sigh* He's getting big I guess.

He loves his peaches!! This is actually the most he lets get on his face! :) We had an early meal today, and I'm not sure he liked it. So I think I'm going to go back to dinner meals. But he loves his food!! And not only has he learned that he can use the spoon by himself, but he's slowly starting to hold the bottle by himself. If it's a full 8oz bottle, it's too heavy for him, or if he's too tired he won't do it, but he tries to hold it and if it's light enough, he handles it all by himself!!

He's also playing games with mommy. Apparently he thinks it's funny that mommy is waiting for him to roll over again. He did it around 2 months a couple times, found out it got him to his back and got mad about it. So stopped right then and there and hasn't done it again. Until the other day. He's done it twice...for his FATHER!! I'm never around. I keep telling Sam it's all in his head, and he's saying it to upset me. :) I've seen him almost make it from back to front though. He gets so close, but then his arm just gets in the way! Not that I want him really to learn more ways to be mobile. His army crawling is enough for me right now!