Thursday, February 25, 2010


Ok. So I said I would update, since the last was put up for Halloween!! Wow has a ton happened since then!!!

In November, Sam was let go from his job and we had to move from our apartment in MA. We currently are staying with family while he looks for another job, and we can find our own place again. We are sooo ready to be out of here and back into our own place. Not that it hasn't been nice of my brother to let us live here, we just would love to have more space, our own stuff and JD to have his own room back!

We also found out last October we were expecting!! At the time we were excited even though we felt it was a bit early with JD being young. Now we're excited still, but worried b/c of the job situation. But let's hope that's all taken care of before June. Our estimated due date is June 20th, but I am set for a scheduled repeat we're looking around June 14th. We just found out 2 weeks ago that we are having another baby boy. So JD and his baby brother will be about 15 months apart, and I'm sure they will be the best of buds. :-D

JD had his first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years! All were a ton of fun, and we have loads of pictures to remember it all.

JD had his FIRST birthday on Feb. 11th!!! I'm still in utter shock that he is ONE!! Where has the time gone, and where is my baby boy!! He has grown up SOOOO much too!! He is starting to chatter, trying to walk, and def into everything! We had a small family birthday party for him at the church. I did a Nemo theme, and JD seemed to be totally in love with it! I'll have to post some of the pictures. I made his cake, and my mom helped with decorating and getting the food ready.

So I think that is everything right now. A lot of changes, but nothing with a lot of info behind it. LOL. I'll have to get back to posting more. B/c I know I've missed a lot of the key JD moments!

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