Saturday, September 7, 2013

My best friend

Along this trail of life, people come and go. But today, I officially became my best friend's wife. We have walked our path as a couple for about 3 years. He has taught me so much and made me realize the person I can be. He not only accepts me, but accepts our family. Not many would walk into a family, and be willing to accept others children as his own. But my love has done just that. Going into the relationship, he knew I came with a past. He knew about the boys, and loved them unconditionally from the beginning. If you ask him about those boys, they are HIS boys. He loves them, and only wishes the best for them. He tells people he has 3 kids; 2 sons and a daughter. He never says my step sons.

We had talked about our future. We have always felt we were meant to be. We were soulmates. We have been drawn together for about 9 years. We met so long ago and became instant friends. But something was always there. An interest and a spark. But at the time, it was not meant to be an "us" in that sense. We had different paths and trails to take. But we stayed close friends. He moved a few states, joined the army and went on a deployment. I followed my trail that led to 2 amazing boys, who have my heart. Then our trails collided again, and we have been on the same path since. Bringing in our amazing and beautiful daughter.  Though we talked about it, he said he wanted to ask and do it right, on his time.

On August 3rd, he officially asked me to be his wife. We were out on the farm with his family. And it was truly a beautiful day! Sunny and warm. Kaitlyn loved playing and being with the animals. The whole day was magical, even before.

Windmist Farm

And that romantic moment when we got to talk around the grounds. Kaitlyn had been tired and left for the evening with MaMa. (Grandma) Bryan asked to take photos, since we hadn't had any in awhile. And he surprised me with the most beautiful proposal and ring, and it was captured for memories!

Now here we are. The day I have been waiting for. The day I marry my love. He takes my heart, and I take his last name. This time, things just felt right and perfect. Not many were involved or there, but that was special too. Bryan's parents went, his sister, and Sophie and Sara came. My babies took part, and it was magical! We had the legal ceremony and a hand fasting. I made my bouquet that morning, and a friend took photos while another did my hair. It was cold on the beach at sunset, so by the time we finished the kids were a bit cold. So family photos were not as cute as we would have liked, but the love in the family shows through! After we went to dinner at the Boathouse. Honestly I don't think I could ask for a better day! *picture heavy*

And from here on out, I happily take his last name! 

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